Elmar Altvater

Jochen Becker

Jochen Becker (Berlin) works as critic (taz/die tageszeitung, springerin) and cultural producer (Baustop.randstadt,-/NGBK Berlin 1998, MoneyNations2/Kunsthalle Exnergasse Wien, 2000, Urban Control/Forum Stadtpark Graz, 2001) in Berlin. He is founding member of BüroBert, co-editor of 'Copyshop - Kunstpraxis & politische Öffentlichkeit' (1993) and published 'BIGNES?' on recent urban development as well as 'Metropolen' (2001), ‚Space//Troubles’ (2003), ‚Self Service City: Istanbul’ (2004), ‚City of COOP: Buenos Aires/Rio de Janeiro’ (2004) and ‚Kabul/Teheran 1979ff’ (2004) together with Stephan Lanz. In 2001/2002, he co-curates an ongoing performance- and theory-show at Prater/Volksbühne Berlin called 'AnbauNeueMitte'. 2002-–2004: 'ErsatzStadt / SubstituteCity' (Volksbühne Berlin) 2003: 'Learning from*' (NGBK Berlin, Kunsthalle Exnergasse Wien)

Lindsay Bremner
Lindsay Bremner Is Chair of Architecture at the University of Witwaterstrand in Johannesburg. From 1993 to 1997, she served on the Executive Committee of the Greater Johannesburg Metropolitan Council for the African National Congress, during which time she chaired committees on planning, housing, urbanization, and environmental management. Bremner has published widely in books and journals, and is co-editor of Freedom Square (1998) and Emerging Johannesburg (2003).

Claudia Burbaum
Claudia Burbaum Arthistorian, Berlin. Projects: "Self-Service-City" and "Selbstbedienungszentrale" at Substitute City of the Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, Berlin 2003; "Kill the Kingstreet" with "Haus Köbberling", Kassel 2002; "Halle G: Gedenk-Zeichen - Questions and Position to contemporary ways of remembering", Borsig, Berlin 2002; "Sarajevo Selfportrait 1991-1999", New Society for Fine Arts at Kunstraum Kreuzberg/ Bethanien, Berlin 2001/ 2002.

Gita Chada
Gita Chadha is a sociologist researching actively in science, post-colonialism and feminism. She has written extensively on these areas and her papers are published in reputed journals. Gita has also been teaching Sociology in Mumbai colleges. Beyond academics, she has a deep commitment to the larger issue of social action and has worked on initiating several programmes with students and her local community. She has deep interests in literature, theatre, art and music. Recently, she has been exploring the boundaries of art and academia through collaborations with artists. She lives in Mumbai with her husband and daughter.

John Duncan
Born Belfast 1968 studied at Gwent College Newport HND Documentary Photography 1987-9 and at Glasgow School Art for a B.A. Hons Degree in Fine Art Photography 92. Since then he has been living and making work in Belfast and exhibiting both nationally and internationally.

Orhan Esen

Micz Flor
Micz Flor is a flexecutive cultural producer and media developer with a special interest in video and streaming media. He lives in Berlin where he set up the office Redaktion und Alltag (together with Tanja Lay), developing and maintaining the political online magazine fluter for the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. Flor is also working as a developer and training consultant at the Center for Advanced Media - Prague, where he initialised Campware. Flor has produced (together with Merle Kröger and Philip Scheffner) ES EXPRESS, a series of documentaries for Substitute City at the Volksbühne Berlin. Together with Philip Scheffner he is also working on a documentary on independent radio networking in Indonesia, Nepal and Armenia.
Micz Flor

Shilpa Gupta

Alexander Jachnow

Martin Kaltwasser
born 1965 in Münster/Westphalia
Architect and fine arts artist
Exhibitions and projects: 1999 Bad Ly, Summer pool Lychener Straße 60 Berlin 100MeterKüche, Architecture forum Oberösterreich, Linz/Austria Minenlegung, La Genie de la Bastille, Paris 2000 Safety First, Schlachthof, Bremen Ausblick (view), U-Bahnhof Alexanderplatz U2, Berlin Wachturm (watchtower), Kottbusser Tor, Berlin 2001 Apparat Berlin, Theatre play, Volksbühne in the Prater, Berlin 2002 Feldversuch (field test), Zagreus Projekt, Berlin Copyshop³, Kunsthochschule, Kassel Kill the King Street, Haus Köbberling, Kassel www. Haus Köbberling.de 2003 Treat, experimental high-rise with youths, Berlin Luftschiffe, die nie gebaut wurden (airships that were never built), Art Kite Museum, Detmold Alexanderplatz U2, NGBK, Berlin „learning from*", NGBK, Berlin and Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna

Folke Köbberling
born 1969 Kassel, Fine arts artist A selection of projects: 2004 "Fast umsonst", NGBK, "Tourist City" Künstlerhaus Bremen, "Flexibilitaet" Kunstverein Wolfsburg, "Goldrausch 2003" Kunstamt Kreuzberg, Berlin (2003) "Learning from*" NGBK, Berlin (2003)and Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna, SelbstbedienungszentralePavillon der Volksbuehne, "Self-Service-City"Ersatzstadt, Volksbuehne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz (with M. Kaltwasser) "Speed Breeder" Zeppelinmuseum Friedrichshafen Haus Köbberling, Kassel "junge Familie mit Kind oder wo ist es denn am grünsten" ("young family with child or where is it the greenest") Galerie Pankow and a guest of Anbauneuemitte/Suburbia-Prater, Berlin "common place" U2-Alexanderplatz; Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst "concrete cuisine"16 räume, berlin 1999, loop-raum für aktuelle kunst
Folke Köbberling

Martin Krenn
since 2002 Assistant at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna Solo-exhibitions and Projects 2004 "City Views", Austriackie Forum Kultury (P) "City Views", Centre d'art Passerelle, Brest (F) "City Views", Mala galerija/Cankarjev Dom - in cooperation with SCCA-Ljubljana, Ljubljana (SI) "European Corrections Corporation", container-installation in Munich, in cooperation with Kunstraum München (GER) { with O. Ressler} 2003 "European Corrections Corporation", Festival der Regionen, Container-Installation, public space in Wels (A), {with O. Ressler}2001 "Border Crossing Services", Kunstraum Lüneburg (GER), Bulk mail at the Austrian/ Slovenian border region and public space {with O. Ressler} "Rückgabe", Galerie 5020., Salzburg (A), {with W. P. Kastner} "Demonstrate!", Centre d'art Passerelle, Brest (F) "Demonstrate!", Widerstandskobel, University of Linz (A)2000 "Demonstrate!", Salzburger Kunstverein, Salzburg (A) "Demo-Stickers", Webproject
Martin Krenn

Merle Kröger
Merle Kröger has studied science of film/ journalism in Berlin between 1985 and 1991 and graduated as M.A. in 1992. Since 1987 practical works as video-/filmmaker and visual artist. Since 1989 concepts and realization of film and video events and screenings. From 1990 to 1995 co-founder and member of the group "Botschaft e.V." together with 10-15 artists, filmmakers, musicians, net activists a.o. Works as an artists' group, screenings, exhibitions, concerts a.o. in the association's independent club space "Friseur" (Berlin-Mitte). Participations in national and international art exhibitions and events. From 1991 to 1999 co-founder and member of the authors and producers' group "dogfilm" together with the video and filmmakers Bettina Ellerkamp, Jörg Heitmann, Ed van Megen and Philip Scheffner. Development and production of videos between the genres documentary, essay and video art, in cooperation with Kanal 4, ZDF/ Das Kleine Fernsehspiel, ARTE and 3Sat. Complete development of two "theme nights" for ARTE. Since 2000 video projects in progress. Writing on the fiction script "shilouettes". 2001 co-founder and member of the media production platform "pong" together with Philip Scheffner.

Markus Löffler

Andree Korpys

Stephan Lanz
Urban researcher and planer, currently academic assistant at Europa-University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder (Institut für Kulturwissenschaften) A selection of publications:: "Demokratische Stadtplanung in der Postmoderne" (Democratic urban development in postmodernism), bis- publishers, Oldenburg 1996 Co-author of "Metropolen" (Metropolises) with Jochen Becker, Rotbuch 3000, Hamburg 2001 "Die Stadt als Beute" (The City as Prey) with Klaus Ronneberger and Walther Jahn, Dietz-publishers, Bonn 1999 Co-editor "Fragmente Städtischen Alltags" (Fragments of everyday urban life) with spacelab, Widersprüche 78, Bielefeld 2000 Participation in, among other things: Baustop.randstadt,- (Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst Berlin NGBK 1998) AnbauNeueMitte Falsches-Leben-Show (False life show) in the Prater at the Volksbühne Berlin, 2001/02) Rollende Road-Schau (Rolling roadshow) of the Volksbühne, in Berlin districts, 2001 Learning from* (NGBK, 2003)

Birgit Mahnkopf

Christine Meisner

Margareth Otti

Kerstin Pinther

Katja Reichard
Studied at the HdK Berlin (University of the Arts) in the Freie Klasse, Runs event/exhibition premises in Berlin-Mitte since 1995 (Klasse 2/Schröderstrasse), Co-owner of the theme bookshop Pro qm Projects: Common Spaces/Common Concerns? When Tekkno turns to Sound of Poetry InnenStadtAktionen (Inner City Actions) Zigaretten Rauchen (Smoking Cigarettes) Baustop Randstadt (Construction Stop City Periphery) AnbauNeueMitte in thePrater Rollende Road Schau (Rolling Road Show) Sponsorship prize Ars Viva ½

Isamil Sarigöl

Phillip Scheffner
Philip Scheffner has worked as a visual artist since 1985. Exhibtions in Berlin since 1987. From 1990 to 1995 co-founder and member of the group "Botschaft e.V." together with 10-15 artists, filmmakers, musicians, net activists a.o. Works as an artists group, screenings, exhibitions, concerts a.o. in the association's independent club space "Friseur" (Berlin-Mitte). Participations in national and international art exhibitions and events. From 1991 to 1999 member of the authors and producers group "dogfilm" together with the video and filmmakers Bettina Ellerkamp, Jörg Heitmann, Merle Kröger and Ed van Megen. Development and production of videos between the genres documentary, essay and video art, in cooperation with Kanal 4, ZDF/ Das Kleine Fernsehspiel, ARTE and 3Sat. Complete development of two "theme nights" for ARTE. Since 2000 video projects in progress. Composition and Production of electronic music. 2001 co-founder and member of the media production platform "pong" together with Merle Kröger.

the trinity session(Stephen Hobbs, Marcus Neustetter, Kathryn Smith)
the trinity session (Stephen Hobbs, Marcus Neustetter, Kathryn Smith) the trinity session, Johannesburg, South Africa, is an independant , contemporary art-production-team working on public art-projects, projectinitiatives and -productions, curates, researches and writes critiques. Special interest lies urban development and critique, technology, pathology and the body, electronic art and internet-culture. www.onair.co.za

Minze Tummescheit

Michael Zinganel
Michael Zinganel, studied architecture at the TU Graz, fine arts at the Jan van Eyck Academy Maastricht and contemporary history at the University of Vienna. He taught at various universities and he was a research fellow at the IFK Vienna in the summer-term 2003. At the moment he is an assistant teacher at the Institute of Building Science at the TU Graz. He lives and works moreover as freelance architecture theorist, curator and artist in Graz and Vienna for exhibitions and projects about design mythologies and daily life architecture: e.g. Free Space Superblock-Empty Spaces in Social House-Building (a touring exhibition through common amenities in Viennese municipal buildings of the inter-war-period, Vienna 1995), Sex & Space (in co-operation with Marion von Osten, Forum Stadtpark, Graz 1997), We-House-Builders-Building in Austria (Centre for Architecture Vienna 1998), Home (secession, Vienna 1999), Reconstruction_heim.AT (Forum Stadtpark Graz 2001), www.eigenheim.at (Galerie 5020, Salzburg 2001) and last about the productive force of crime for the development of art, architecture and city design. The emphasis of architecture and city design is the topic of his dissertation at the Institute for Contemporary History of the University Vienna. It will be published as a book in fall 2003: Michael Zinganel, Real Crime, Architecture & Crime, edition selene, Vienna 2003.